Having been judge tutors for many years we find it more efficient and beneficial to organise bespoke fleece workshops to suit specifically your knowledge and aspiraton.

These  can be half days if you want us to take you through skirting, preparing fleece for production or showing.

Full days if you want us to take you through alpaca fleece assessment  or general alpaca assessment and basic judging.

Or we can offer more advanced workshops if you have experience and want to develop your judging and oral reasoning.

Many prospective judges have found it beneficial to discuss and hone their skills at Toft prior to advancing through the various BAS judge training levels.

if you would like to take advantage of the opportunity to engage and gain perspective and input from two very experienced alpaca breeders and judges on your specific area of need then please don't hesitate to call and we'll get it all sorted to suit.

Tel:- Rob:- 07973 123008 rob@toftalpacastud.com Shirl:- 07970 626245 shirley@toftalpacastud.com